by | Jan 27, 2020 | Family Fun, Family Traditions, Parenting

We started a new family tradition years ago, and I can honestly say it has brought our family closer together and we have made some lasting memories.  We bought a seasonal gift for our kids, and we are so happy we did.

Christmas is a season for giving gifts, of course, but we tried this seasonal gift, and it was awesome.  The cool part is that we start the holiday season by opening the gift on Thanksgiving weekend so we can enjoy it the whole season!

A seasonal gift is great for two reasons.  First, it is one gift for everyone so there is automatic family interaction built right in.  Second, it is something that you can only use while playing with others.  It’s not something that one person uses, then takes turns with everyone.  That kind of gift will also cause family interaction, but usually not in a good way.

What are some good family seasonal gifts?  One year we went big and bought a ping pong table when our kids were all in Middle School and High School.  We don’t regret it – well, except for the knee injury, broken toe and various other small ailments from playing too hard.  I get it, we’re too competitive.  We spent many days playing ping pong, and the best part is that we were interacting without our phones and we were making lasting memories!

Another year we bought a XBOX console and the ‘Just Dance‘ game.  If you ever want to step out of your comfort zone, this is the game for you.  Following the screen led dance moves while competing against your kids is a great memory maker.  Especially when you win!  Yes, I realize we are probably too competitive.

The game Solitaire Frenzy was a big hit as well (also called Nertz by our friends).  Interactive board games are always a hit.  As our kids are now all in their 20’s we bought Settler’s of Catan this year.  If you don’t know what it is, it’s a complex game full of strategy and chance.  It’s become quite popular with the serious board game crowd.  By the way, I’ve won twice since we bought it.  I know, I know – we’re too competitive.

A family seasonal gift does not have to be something where you’re always competing.  For our family, competition is something we naturally do anyway so the gifts reflect that.  The trick to the right gift is knowing your family, and getting something that will get them to interact and make memories.  That’s what the holidays are all about anyway.  Why save it until Christmas?  Make it last all season and beyond.

God Bless!


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